The Young Uist Voices series features the recorded voice memos from some of our young residents who are living and working across the islands between Eriskay and Berneray. See below for all the resulting podcasts.
The contributors were asked to answer any or all of 5 questions put to them about life in Uist and as a voice memo on their phones. We asked for their thoughts and feelings on the best things about Uist, as well as their worries and concerns about the current way of island life. We also asked for some possible solutions to these issues as well as what achievements they’d hope for themselves and their communities in the future.
The result gives an unfiltered insight into the current thoughts of our young island communities. They highlight the universal issues affecting Uist as well as the individual opinions and aspirations of these Young Uist Voices.
Young Uist Voices was delivered as part of CoDeL’s Smart Islands Scotland and Ireland project. The project was financed by the Scottish Government and the European Community Outer Hebrides Leader 2014-2020, and the Scottish Islands Federation in Scotland, and by the Government of Ireland and four EU Leader Local Action Groups in Ireland.
Young Uist Voices was inspired by Island Voices – a series of recordings of the voices of 77 Irish islanders, reflecting on their aspirations for their island homes, another activity under the same Smart Islands project.
Edit & Music by Alana MacInnes