Tha CoDeL an dòchas gum bidh deagh Nollaig is Bliadhn’ Ùr aig a h-uile duine; do muinntir Uibhist, dhaibhsan a tha a’ cumail taic rinn agus cuideachd dhaibhsan a tha nas fhaide air falbh. Tha bliadhna thrang air a bhith againn fad 2022. Tha sinn air ar cumail a dol le Uist Beò agus tha sinn air molaidhean fhaighinn aig an taigh agus cuideachd air feadh an t-saoghal. Seo dealbh no dha a sheallas an obair a tha CoDeL air a dhèanamh thairis air 2022.
Here are some pictures from highlights in 2022.
Uist Beò is thriving on instagram , facebook and tik tok . Thank you to the dynamic team (Alana, Cara, Fiona and Joanne), to Alex and Izzy @ Friendhood , to Kareen, CnES Settlement Officer for Uist, and to all our funders: Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Rural Network, Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.
Thank you to the Regional Studies Association, and to the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme who funded our original research (here ) that led to the blogpost .
Thank you to NORA and the Scottish Rural Network for enabling Theona and Rosie to contribute to the Arctic Circle Assembly.
Thank you to the Scottish Rural Network for enabling young Uibhistich as well as ourselves to participate in this conference.
Thank you to Scottish Rural Action for organising such strong Scottish contributions to the European Rural Parliament, including opportunities for Theona to share Uist Beò and other CoDeL work.
Thank you to the European Rural Community Alliance, the EU’s Rural Pact Conference and WONCA for inviting us to contribute to these events.
Thank you to the Scottish Rural Network for funding our communications strategy around Redefining Peripherality , on social media and at conferences.
Thank you to the inspiration of the island and rural social entrepreneurs we were privileged to work with, and to the Social Enterprise Academy for funding our coaching under their Start-up School.