CoDeL is delighted to be leading on the economic impacts project.
Reports include analyses of comparative economic data from across the region; a look at the impact of Covid-19 on health systems in two small hospital districts in Finland; detailing the response to the pandemic by entrepreneurs in Greenland, Iceland and the Faroes; research on the impacts of Covid-19 across Atlantic Canada, the Nordic countries and the Highlands and Islands of Scotland; and human rights case studies looking at the tension between health and economic outcomes.
One of the key themes emerging is around resilience and adaptability to crises and how these factors may match with protective factors for better health outcomes.
To what extent do characteristics of remote and peripheral areas help localities and regions in meeting the challenges of Covid-19 and other crises?
And do we need to redefine peripherality, which has often been framed as a disadvantage, but has been seen to prove otherwise during the pandemic?
We look forward to drawing together the analysis and insights from all these projects during February of this year.